Art Contest: Stanley Kubrick's Lord of the Rings, starring The Beatles

Once upon a time, The Beatles were interested in starring in a live-action version of The Lord of the Rings with Paul McCartney as Frodo Baggins, Ringo Starr as Sam Gamgee, George Harrison as Gandalf, and John Lennon as Gollum. They asked Stanley Kubrick to direct, but he declined (according to Wikipedia), or Tolkien killed the idea (according to Peter Jackson).

Now it's your turn to change history. Create a movie poster, or concept art, or custom toy, or any other work of art for Stanley Kubrick's Lord of the Rings, starring The Beatles.

This contest is open worldwide. Enter as many times as you like - - just email me a url or jpeg (jstruan at gmail), and make sure you include your name and website for credit. The submission deadline is 8:00 p.m. California time Sunday, January 2, 2011.

And the prize?

Best work of art will win a $75 store credit to Tenacious Toys, which has custom toys 3A Toys, kidrobot toys, and more:

And, two t-shirts of your choice from Split Reason, which has a huge selection of t-shirts to choose from:

Like last time, I'll send a gift from Threadless to any particularly deserving runner ups.

And if you're talking yourself out of competing, remember, it's not the worst thing in the world to create a work of art that'll spread virally throughout the intenet.

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